Southern California
Cigar Roller

Cigars for your event

Weddings, Corporate & Private Events, Military Celebrations and more.

Artistry to make memories

For 3 decades, Fumar Cigars has performed over 7,000 cigar shows/cigar rolling demonstrations for weddings, corporate events, private parties, military celebrations and more. We service events all around Southern California including San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Santa Barbara, Palm Desert, Palm Springs, La Quinta and more. We provide on-site cigar service and cigar distribution all throughout Southern California.

Our performance as entertainers is legendary! Sharing the story, explaining the process, demonstrating the artistry of the hand rolled cigar. Weaving the history of the industry, telling the story behind the brands, dispelling the myths, legends and lore of our shared history through the artistry of making a stogie has been the hallmark of Fumar Cigars performance.

Types of Events
we specialize in:


Private Events







Types of Events
we specialize in:


Private Events







Live Cigar Rolling shows

Over the last 3 decades, Fumar Cigars has been providing one of a kind cigar rolling interactive engagement events. Sharing the story of Americana through the lens of the Tobacco Industry, weaving stories and history while we demonstrate the craftsmanship and artistry of hand rolling cigars. This 500 year old industry, is brought to life by gifted story tellers, hospitality engagement experts, quick wits and dependable teammates that always entertain while providing amazing cigars!

We offer custom labeling for all programs, all inclusive pricing that adds cutters, baggies and matches for a exciting event. Having performed over 7000 events in 40+ states, 7 countries and 3 continents, Fumar goes wherever you need us!

Bradley rolls cigars at Fumar Cigars in Phoenix

Live Cigar Rolling Shows

Bradley rolls cigars at Fumar Cigars in Phoenix

Over the last 3 decades, Fumar Cigars has been providing one of a kind cigar rolling interactive engagement events. Sharing the story of Americana through the lens of the Tobacco Industry, weaving stories and history while we demonstrate the craftsmanship and artistry of hand rolling cigars. This 500 year old industry, is brought to life by gifted story tellers, hospitality engagement experts, quick wits and dependable teammates that always entertain while providing amazing cigars!

We offer custom labeling for all programs, all inclusive pricing that adds cutters, baggies and matches for a exciting event. Having performed over 7000 events in 40+ states, 7 countries and 3 continents, Fumar goes wherever you need us!

David Haddad Fumar Cigars interactive engagement

Interactive engagement

For your event, we offer a personalized touch by crafting custom cigars, designing a signature label for you and your group, and providing all the necessary décor to enhance the experience for your guests.

Our specialty lies in creating an interactive and engaging experience. We immerse your guests in the captivating process of cigar making, infusing historical significance with vibrant narratives spanning from the 3rd century to the present, and offering insights into the future of the cigar world. Attendees will be astonished, learning intriguing facts, witnessing exquisite craftsmanship, and savoring the moment with a fine cigar.

Tailoring each program, we bring a selection of 10-16 diverse shapes, sizes, and blends to cater to all cigar enthusiasts, whether novice or aficionado. From our mildest blends to our fullest-bodied cigars, our team personally guides each guest in selecting, cutting, lighting, and presenting the finest cigar experience possible.

Interactive engagement

David Haddad Fumar Cigars interactive engagement

For your event, we offer a personalized touch by crafting custom cigars, designing a signature label for you and your group, and providing all the necessary décor to enhance the experience for your guests.

Our specialty lies in creating an interactive and engaging experience. We immerse your guests in the captivating process of cigar making, infusing historical significance with vibrant narratives spanning from the 3rd century to the present, and offering insights into the future of the cigar world. Attendees will be astonished, learning intriguing facts, witnessing exquisite craftsmanship, and savoring the moment with a fine cigar.

Tailoring each program, we bring a selection of 10-16 diverse shapes, sizes, and blends to cater to all cigar enthusiasts, whether novice or aficionado. From our mildest blends to our fullest-bodied cigars, our team personally guides each guest in selecting, cutting, lighting, and presenting the finest cigar experience possible.

We go Anywhere

We provide cigar rolling for events in Southern California including:

San Diego, Orange County, LA, Beverly Hills, Santa Barbara, Palm Desert and Palm Springs & La Quinta.

All programs include unlimited cutters, matches, baggies and humidipacks for those who wish to take the cigars chosen to smoke another time, with friends and family, or on the golf course!


Large cigar humidor ready for an event

We go Anywhere

Large cigar humidor ready for an event

We provide cigar rolling for events in Southern California including:

San Diego, Orange County, LA, Beverly Hills, Santa Barbara, Palm Desert and Palm Springs & La Quinta.

All programs include unlimited cutters, matches, baggies and humidipacks for those who wish to take the cigars chosen to smoke another time, with friends and family, or on the golf course!


We’re here to answer any questions you have when booking a cigar bar service for your next event.
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions:

Fumar Cigars hosts a diverse range of events annually, comprising over 150+ wedding cigar bars tailored for receptions. These bars feature cigar rolling shows and include custom labeling for a personalized touch.

Additionally, we caters to approximately 250-300 corporate gatherings per year, accommodating crowds ranging from 50 to 1,500 people. Similar to the wedding events, these corporate gatherings feature cigar rolling shows and personalized custom labels.

Fumar Cigars actively participates in large-scale programs, such as Barrett Jackson, Phoenix Open, Scottsdale Polo Matches, Masters in Augusta, GA, and AT&T Pebble Beach.

These high-profile events, with attendance ranging from 400,000 to 1.3 million, involve the provision of cigar vendor programs and captivating cigar rolling shows.

Cigar rolling shows and cigar bars are typically featured in most corporate or wedding programs, lasting around 3-4 hours on average. However, the duration can occasionally vary, with some events extending beyond or being shorter than this typical timeframe. 

Based on our experience hosting over 7,000 events. We anticipate that 60% of event attendees will opt to take or smoke a cigar, a prediction based consumption and a predetermined quantity requested by the client. To ensure ample supply, we typically provide a minimum of 75 cigars.

Please contact us if there are any questions and how we can accommodate the scale of your event.

All custom labeling for our cigars is done in-house, with the ability to turnaround orders of up to 300 within 24-48 hours. Annually, we produce approximately 500,000 private labeled cigars, catering to over 400 events and private clients. There is no additional charge for custom labeling when included with a cigar package or program.

Throughout the year, we organize several “Team Building” events as part of our corporate destination programs. These events feature multiple stations where participants have the opportunity to learn and experience the art of cigar rolling. At each station, guests can comfortably sit and try their hand at this engaging activity, fostering teamwork and camaraderie in a dynamic and enjoyable environment.

No. All programs include the cigars, cutters, matches, baggies and humidipacks for your guests. We do not offer a cash sales program. 

No. Fumar Cigars provides cigar programs for hosted events only and does not offer a cash sales program.

Major Events

In a one-of-a-kind or rare partnership with the brands Cohiba & Macanudo,
we provide large scale cigar programming for major events including:

Our Events Team


Josh Ampe
Managing Director

Santa Barbara to San Diego, Palm Desert, LaQuinta, & Palm Springs

NFL Sunday Football at Fumar Cigars